3 Reasons Wine Gift Baskets Are The Perfect House Warming Gift For A New Neighbor

For many people who have recently moved into a new home, wine gift baskets truly are a welcome house warming gift. If you're looking for the right gift to give someone who has recently moved into the home next door, wine gift baskets are the way to go. Below are some of the top reasons that you should consider giving a wine gift basket to your new neighbor.

Get the Conversation Started

Getting to know the new family in your neighborhood can be hard if you have nothing to offer. Giving a wine gift basket to the new people on your street will give you a good reason to knock on their door and say hello.

Fun and Functionality, All in One Package

One of the best reasons to give a wine gift basket to someone who has recently moved into a new home is that the basket itself can be used to deliver something functional as well as something fun. Many wine gift baskets include finger foods like cheese and crackers or fruit, but as the gift giver, you can pack the basket with more than just tasty treats and wine. Before you give away the gift, think about inserting one or two useful items into the basket. This will ensure that you're able to give the recipient something functional as well as something enjoyable. Below are a few suggestions:

  • Tools. A good screw driver, hammer and a wrench are all invaluable items for someone who has recently moved into a new home. Even if your gift recipient already owns some of these tools, it's helpful to have duplicates in case multiple people need to make improvements to the house at the same time.
  • Hand towels. Moving is dirty work, and hand towels may be hard to find among the sea of boxes. Giving a few extra will ensure that your gift recipient has the tools they need to stay clean.
  • Instant foods. Microwavable popcorn, instant noodles and other easy-to-make foods come in handy in the days before the pots and pans are unpacked.
  • Kitchen utensils. Your gift recipients forks, spoons and cooking utensils all may be buried in the boxes. Giving extras can help make the gift recipient's life just a little bit easier.

Take the Edge Off of a Major Life Event

Moving is hard. At the end of a major relocation, wine is just what your neighbor might need in order to feel welcome and at ease in the new neighborhood. Your wine gift basket could help make your new neighbor happy during those first few days in the new house. Contact a company like Sand Castle Winery or another location for more tips and ideas.

About Me

Finding The Perfect Specialty Foods

When we started planning our first big restaurant event a few years ago, I knew we needed to do something special. Instead of ordering in the same old steaks and mashed potatoes, I decided to work with a specialty foods supplier to provide us with the best produce, the tastiest steaks, and the finest wines. It was a lot of work, but the result was incredible. After the dinner was prepared, our employees were absolutely amazed with our attention to detail. This blog is all about working with a specialty foods vendor in your area to create an event that everyone will remember.


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