The World's Best Caviar for Sale Online (And Why)

Ah, caviar! One mention of this fishy delicacy, and you instantly picture wealthy people on a yacht sipping champagne and gently nibbling toast points with caviar on top. If you have never had the experience, you may want to try it just once to say that it was something you tried.

If you find that you like it, you can always buy some more or buy some for yourself if you try it at a party. These days, you can even buy caviar online and have it shipped to you overnight for maximum freshness. If you are not sure what to buy, there are three top types of caviar that are considered the world's most priceless and best caviars. Save these three to try for those times when you really want to celebrate in style. 

1. Beluga Caviar

Specifically, the Iranian Beluga albino caviar is the highest caliber caviar in the world. One ounce will cost most people almost a full year's salary, but considering its rarity and how difficult it is to acquire, as well as its supposed fantastic taste and texture, it is worth every penny. It is harvested from the albino Beluga fish, found in a sea in Iran. As you can imagine, it is not every day that you can find an albino fish, much less a female albino fish that produces extraordinary caviar. 

2. Russian Osetra Caviar

"Osetra" is Russian for "of the sturgeon." This Russian sturgeon is one of the world's oldest surviving creatures, and honestly, as far as fish go, it looks prehistorically hideous. Yet, it produces the second most high-end caviar in the world because the Russian fisheries harvest it from fifty-year-old fish only. Hence, it takes years and years to find these almost elderly female sturgeon naturally, and then harvest them for their caviar.

That is what drives the price up, along with the taste and color of the caviar. To boost caviar production and eliminate the possibility of extinction of the Russian sturgeon (because of caviar consumption), fish hatcheries have been growing and harvesting this caviar instead of waiting to find it in the wild. Only the Beluga caviar mentioned above costs more than Russian Osetra, but you can still find the Russian Osetra caviar for sale online

3. Iranian Sevruga Caviar

Apparently, the Iranians know where it's at when it comes to caviar. If you cannot afford an ounce or two of the albino Beluga, you can try this Sevruga caviar for one-fourth of the cost of the albino Beluga. The Sevruga is also a sturgeon fish, found in the Caspian Sea. The eggs are much smaller and often appeal to caviar consumers who do not like the larger eggs rolling around in their mouths. Since these fish are only found in one sea in the entire world, you can imagine why the price is so high. 

About Me

Finding The Perfect Specialty Foods

When we started planning our first big restaurant event a few years ago, I knew we needed to do something special. Instead of ordering in the same old steaks and mashed potatoes, I decided to work with a specialty foods supplier to provide us with the best produce, the tastiest steaks, and the finest wines. It was a lot of work, but the result was incredible. After the dinner was prepared, our employees were absolutely amazed with our attention to detail. This blog is all about working with a specialty foods vendor in your area to create an event that everyone will remember.


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