How Can You Use Dulce De Leche?

Dulce de leche is a traditional Latin American caramel made by slowly cooking sweetened cream or milk. The cooking process can take white a while, but fortunately, you don't need to make it from scratch. You can purchase dulce de leche that's ready to eat from a retailer. Dulce de leche can be eaten on its own, but it can also be used as an ingredient in various other treats. Here are three ways to experience dulce de leche:

1. Dress up your favorite cookies.

Many cookie recipes utilize jam to add a little extra sweetness after baking. If fresh fruit isn't in season, consider skipping the jam and using dulce de leche instead. Make your own sandwich cookies by baking chocolate or vanilla cookies in flat discs. Use a cookie cutter to ensure each cookie is the same size. Once your cookies come out of the oven, allow them to cool before spreading dulce de leche on one cookie and topping it with a second cookie. These sandwich cookies can be allowed to set in the refrigerator for a chewy, delicious caramel bite. 

2. Create a delicious breakfast toast.

You can also enjoy dulce de leche in the morning. The next time you make a slice of toast, skip your usual spread. A thin layer of dulce de leche can make an ordinary piece of toast delicious. Use a hearty multigrain bread to provide a flavorful base for the smooth, creamy richness of your dulce de leche. Make your morning extra sweet by sprinkling a little powdered sugar on top of your caramel toast. This is one breakfast that kids will love.

3. Make your own ice cream.

If you're feeling ambitious, you can even use dulce de leche to create your own ice cream. All you need is an ice cream maker, cream, sugar, vanilla, and eggs. Make your ice cream base using your favorite custard recipe and allow it to chill in the refrigerator after cooking. Once your custard base is cool and your ice cream maker's bowl is properly frozen, turn your ice cream maker on to begin the freezing process. As your ice cream begins to harden, slowly pour your dulce de leche into the mix. The caramel will harden on contact, and you'll end up with beautiful ribbons of milk caramel in your fresh ice cream. Add a little sea salt to the mix to create salted caramel ice cream.

Look for dulce de leche in retail shops near you. 

About Me

Finding The Perfect Specialty Foods

When we started planning our first big restaurant event a few years ago, I knew we needed to do something special. Instead of ordering in the same old steaks and mashed potatoes, I decided to work with a specialty foods supplier to provide us with the best produce, the tastiest steaks, and the finest wines. It was a lot of work, but the result was incredible. After the dinner was prepared, our employees were absolutely amazed with our attention to detail. This blog is all about working with a specialty foods vendor in your area to create an event that everyone will remember.


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