North African Ingredients To Look For At An African Store

Africa is a pretty diverse continent. This applies to its cuisine, along with the rest of its culture. North Africa, in particular, is known for its flavorful food, much of which is made with local spices, fruits, and seasonings. If you would like to create some of these North African flavors in your own kitchen, then here are some key ingredients you should look for at an African store.


Couscous is a tiny pasta common in North Africa. Each piece of couscous is about 3 millimeters across, which is just bit larger than a strawberry seed. Couscous cooks in less than a minute, and it is usually served on top of stews and soups. It can help tone down the flavor of spicier dishes. You can find dried couscous in most African stores. It keeps for several years, so feel free to stock up.


Brik is a thin pastry used in North African cuisine. It is comparable to the filo dough used in Greece. Sometimes it is used to make pockets around meat and vegetable fillings. Other times, it may be fried and served on the side of meat dishes. You may find frozen, raw brik at the African store, or you may find a packaged mix that comes with instructions to make your own brik.


Harissa is a tomato sauce that is commonly added to North African dishes. It can even be used on its own as a dip. While most North Africans would make their own harissa at home, you can often find pre-jarred varieties at an African store. They're a good option to give you a sense of this sauce's flavor so that you can then try to make your own with fresh tomatoes, peppers, and spices.


Most of the spices used in North African cuisine, like cloves and cardamom, are easy enough to find at your local grocery store. Saffron, however, is harder to find outside of specialty shops. This expensive spice really is necessary to recreate many North African dishes, though. You may come across it at an African store with a food section, and if you do, you should buy a jar.

If you buy these ingredients at an African store, you will be better equipped to recreate North African dishes at home. You'll need other ingredients, of course, but most of those will be things you can find at your local grocer.

For more information, contact an African store near you.

About Me

Finding The Perfect Specialty Foods

When we started planning our first big restaurant event a few years ago, I knew we needed to do something special. Instead of ordering in the same old steaks and mashed potatoes, I decided to work with a specialty foods supplier to provide us with the best produce, the tastiest steaks, and the finest wines. It was a lot of work, but the result was incredible. After the dinner was prepared, our employees were absolutely amazed with our attention to detail. This blog is all about working with a specialty foods vendor in your area to create an event that everyone will remember.


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