What Can Eating Sauerkraut Do For You?

Sauerkraut is a fermented dish made from shredded cabbage. Herbs and spices may be added to sauerkraut in order to flavor it, but at its most basic form, it is made from only cabbage and salt. The primary flavor of sauerkraut comes from the fermentation process itself. Many people enjoy eating sauerkraut for its paste, but it can offer many health benefits as well. Here are four things that eating sauerkraut can do for you:

1. Encourage your immune system

Your immune system is responsible for protecting your health. When you're exposed to bacteria, viruses, and infections, your immune system is responsible for fighting them off. In order to do its job, your immune system must be robust and healthy. You can support your immune system by eating foods that are high in vital nutrients. Sauerkraut contains vitamin C, a vitamin that supports immune function. If you're not a big fan of oranges and other citrus fruits, you can get your daily serving of vitamin C by eating a helping of sauerkraut.

2. Support good digestion

No one likes the feeling of indigestion, the sore stomach and bloating feeling that can occur after eating a meal. Fortunately, sauerkraut can support good digestion. Sauerkraut is a good source of probiotics, which is excellent for gut health. Probiotics allow healthy bacteria to flourish in your digestive tract. By being proactive about your gut health, you can ward off stomachaches and other digestive issues. 

3. Provide a source of iron

Iron is a vital nutrient. Without getting enough iron, people may develop anemia, which can cause them to feel weak and low in energy. Vegetarians may be especially susceptible to low iron since meat is a prime source of dietary iron. Fortunately, sauerkraut can also provide iron to your diet. Sauerkraut is vegetarian-friendly since it contains only cabbage and salt. 

4. Increase the flavor of your meals

People who are trying to lose weight often cut fat and sugar from their diets. Unfortunately, many popular condiments are high in these substances, and their loss can lead to meals that taste bland and uninspiring. Fortunately, sauerkraut is an excellent source of flavor. You can use sauerkraut as a condiment in many dishes to add a piquant, slightly sour taste to your meals. Sauerkraut tastes excellent when added to hot dogs, sandwiches, hot dishes, and more.

Sauerkraut tastes good, and it's good for you. Indulging in this traditional dish can help you to make more interesting meals while still improving your overall health. To learn more health benefits of sauerkraut, contact a local service, such as Fermentools.

About Me

Finding The Perfect Specialty Foods

When we started planning our first big restaurant event a few years ago, I knew we needed to do something special. Instead of ordering in the same old steaks and mashed potatoes, I decided to work with a specialty foods supplier to provide us with the best produce, the tastiest steaks, and the finest wines. It was a lot of work, but the result was incredible. After the dinner was prepared, our employees were absolutely amazed with our attention to detail. This blog is all about working with a specialty foods vendor in your area to create an event that everyone will remember.


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